I have many reasons for posting this, but I was told to "respect some body's band that broke up because the singer has 5 degrees". I did not know people that have degrees are socially better. So it struck me to do some research on college.
I also hear the word scam thrown around about various of things. So I wanted to see what people are saying about college.
The best part of our business is we ask for NO money, No College, No investment!
What you would learn in 2 years of business school, you will learn in 60 to 90 days of our management training.... FREE. Then the business will give you a part of (your own office) the business to run and manage. And its been proven time and time again that the person managing the company's offices will make $30,000 to 50,000 first year!! In some cases more!!
Guys Ranting about College:
Who Needs College Anyway? Remarks by Charles Murray:
Chris Westphal
Onyx Wholesale